CUSTOMER ADVISORY:  Pioneer Community Energy does not partner with any company that engages in telemarketing or door-to-door solicitations.

Utility Bill
Assistance Programs

Because Pioneer customers remain PG&E customers for transmission and delivery, Pioneer customers can participate in the following public purpose, utility bill assistance, programs administered by PG&E on behalf of the California Public Utilities Commission.

Financial Assistance Programs

Arrearage Management Plan
The Arrearage Management Plan (AMP) provides a payment plan for customers with utility bill arrears of more than $500. The plan forgives one-twelfth of the overall debt for each month a current payment is made on time and in full. Learn more on our Arrearage Management Plan page.
Budget Billing
Budget billing creates an average billing amount, based on usage, to eliminate high winter and summer bills by spreading the cost over 12 months, making your energy bill budgeting more predictable. For Pioneer customers, this is available only for PG&E charges.
The California Alternate Rates for Energy Program (CARE) provides electricity rate reductions based on a customer’s income or if enrolled in public assistance.
The Family Electric Rate Assistance Program (FERA) provides electricity rate reductions based upon income and the number of individuals in a home, for households of more than three people. The income levels eligible are higher than those for CARE.
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides income-qualified households with financial assistance with the goal of meeting immediate heating or cooling needs. Crisis assistance can include one-time financial assistance for disconnection notices or potentially life-threatening situations like the replacement of a combustible appliance, and other energy support programs.
For more information:
  • Placer County – (916) 782-3443
  • El Dorado County – (530) 621-6150
Medical Baseline
The Medical Baseline program gives residential customers with qualified medical devices or conditions a higher usage base at the lowest rate available on their rate schedule. The Medical Baseline program is available to all residential customers regardless of income. If you have any questions about energy assistance programs or other ways to reduce your energy bills, please contact your Pioneer Community Energy team by email or by phone at (916) 758-8969 or (844) YES-PIONEER.