CUSTOMER ADVISORY:  Pioneer Community Energy does not partner with any company that engages in telemarketing or door-to-door solicitations.

Pioneer Committees Work for Our Community

Meet Our Committees

Pioneer is committed to supporting and forming subcommittees to help develop strategies and policies and undertake planning.

Audit and Finance Committee

The purpose of the Audit & Finance Committee is to oversee the accounting and financial reporting process, the audit of Pioneer’s financial statements by the independent auditor, budgeting, financial planning, review financial and administrative policies, monitor internal controls, and oversee investment strategies. This Brown Act Committee reports to the Governing Board.

Greg Janda, Rocklin City Council

John Hidahl, El Dorado County Board of Supervisors

Gary Petersen, Nevada City, City Council

David Ring, Loomis, Town Council

Energy Procurement Review Ad Hoc Committee

The Executive Director is authorized to execute energy contracts greater than 5 years in length (from contract execution date) subject to the review of and approval by the Energy Procurement Review Committee (EPRC). Long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs) are periodically necessary to fulfill regulatory requirements (e.g., Renewables Portfolio Standard) and for portfolio optimization. The role of the EPRC is to review pending long-term PPAs.

Greg Janda, Rocklin City Council

Gary Petersen, Nevada City, City Council

Alice Dowdin Calvillo, Auburn City Council

John Hidahl, El Dorado County Board of Supervisors



Expansion Ad Hoc Committee

The purpose of the Expansion Committee is to research concepts regarding possible expansion outside of current Pioneer service territory, to meet with representatives or officials from jurisdictions requesting Pioneer service, and to report to the Board on that information.

Alice Dowdin Calvillo, Auburn City Council

David Yarbrough, Placerville City Council

Jim Holmes, Placer County Board of Supervisors


Risk Oversight Committee

The Risk Oversight Committee (ROC) meets quarterly with the Executive Director, Director of Finance & Administration and General Counsel as voting members. The Technical Procurement Advisor (consultant) and Chief Operating Officer are non-voting members. The purpose of the ROC is to review information and reports regarding risk management, wholesale trading transactions and administration of supply contracts. The ROC also adopts the risk management guidelines defining in detail the internal controls, strategies and processes for managing market risks incurred through or attendant upon wholesale trading, retail marketing, long-term contracting, CRR trading and load and generation scheduling.

Community Programs Advisory Committee

The Pioneer Community Programs Advisory Committee (CPAC) served as an advisory board offering community insights, opinions and perspectives to the Pioneer Board and staff regarding programs that should be considered to our customers in the future. The CPAC consisted of a diverse group of well-informed residents who represent various sectors of our community. The CPAC presented their final report and recommendations to the board at the December 15, 2022, Board Meeting.

The CPAC was disbanded upon acceptance of the final report by the Board. A copy of the final report can be found in the CPAC Final Report.