CUSTOMER ADVISORY: Pioneer Community Energy does not partner with any company that engages in telemarketing or door-to-door solicitations.
The Bioenergy Market Adjusting Tariff (BioMAT) Program was created by Senate Bill 1122. In 2021, Pioneer Community Energy led the way for CCAs to participate in the BioMAT program for small bioenergy renewable generators 5 MW or less in size through the passage of AB 843.
Operating under a California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approved tariff, participating generators can enter into a standard contract with Pioneer at a price set by a market-based mechanism.
For more details about eligibility requirements, pricing, terms, and the application process, refer to Pioneer’s BioMAT Tariff and BioMAT Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).
Pioneer is partnering with Accion Power to register applicants, process applications, administer Program Periods (auctions), and provide further information.
If you manage a biomass facility that is eligible for the BioMAT program and are interested in contracting with Pioneer, click the ‘Apply’ button.
The investor-owned utilities (IOUs) hosted a joint-webinar shortly after the BioMAT program launched. A copy of the presentation and corresponding audio file can be found below.
Review our Question & Answer document for comprehensive information the CCA BioMAT program.
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