CUSTOMER ADVISORY:  Pioneer Community Energy does not partner with any company that engages in telemarketing or door-to-door solicitations.

Prepare your air conditioning for summer!

LED Lightning Bolt

Program returns April 2025.

Pioneer offers $75 rebates for HVAC tune-ups.

Tune-up your air conditioner from April through October 1 and receive a $75 rebate!
Single-family homes that are Pioneer customers are eligible to receive a rebate for servicing their air conditioner.

An HVAC system that is regularly serviced can increase its efficiency, which in turn saves money by lowering monthly energy bills.

Pioneer customers interested in participating in the program should:​

  1. Confirm you are a Pioneer customer by checking your PG&E bill. (This can usually be found on page 4 of your bill.)
  2. Find a licensed contractor and schedule the tune-up.
  3. Have the Pioneer HVAC Tune-Up Program Application printed and ready for the contractor to complete and sign at the tune-up appointment.
  4. Complete the application and submit it, along with the paid invoice, to:

Program Requirements

To qualify for participation in the HVAC Tune-Up Program, participants must:

  • Be a Pioneer customer.
  • Have a single-family residential dwelling.
  • Provide paid-in-full invoice(s), including receipts and any other supporting documentation readily available in a PDF, JPEG or Microsoft Word document format.
  • Complete the Tune-Up Verification and Rebate Application (Contractor/Technician’s signature is required).
  • Provide contractor’s information and California license number.

The HVAC Tune-Up Program is a seasonal program valid until October 1.

  • One HVAC Tune-Up rebate per household every 12 months.
  • Recommend ACCA Standard 4 endorsed set of inspection tasks for HVAC maintenance.
  • Applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until funds are depleted.
  • Applications must be submitted or postmarked by October 11, 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

An HVAC tune-up, as defined by this program, is an inspection, cleaning, and servicing of your air conditioning system. This can include cleaning and/or replacing air filters, a check of air flow, and checking evaporator and condenser coils. A tune-up does not include any repairs.

The rebate is available from April 1 through October 1. Any service completed outside of the time frame will not be eligible for the rebate. Rebates are available one time per year per home. Rebates are available until funds are exhausted.

You do not have to use a certain contractor, but you are strongly encouraged to use a licensed contractor. The only requirement is that the contractor must be licensed in the State of California, and it is recommended that the ACCA Standard 4 endorsed set of inspection tasks are used for the service.

Rebate processing can take 3–5 business days. Once the rebate is processed, it can take 30–90 days to receive your rebate.

Servicing an HVAC unit ensures that it is running efficiently and helps identify potential problems. A routinely serviced HVAC is more energy efficient, which will save you money on your energy bills, and typically lasts longer.

Yes. If you have a current maintenance agreement for your system you are eligible for the rebate. If you do not receive an invoice for the service, submitting a copy of your agreement or contract and proof of your most recent agreement payment, is accepted.