
100% Renewable Option

Did you know that Green100 is now more affordable than PG&E’s standard rates?

Your 100% Renewable Energy Option

The Green100 renewable energy rate is an easy solution for businesses looking to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and carbon footprint. For businesses and municipalities, Green100 may help meet company goals and carbon reduction mandates. Green100 may also help towards achieving Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) building certification. Pioneer is the only provider of electricity in our service area offering 100 percent renewable energy to businesses, manufacturers and municipalities.

Renewable energy resources used by Green100 may include geothermal, wind, solar, hydroelectric and biomass production. The Green100 program is entirely voluntary and choosing this renewable energy option is easy. Clean energy services are your choice, with Pioneer’s Green100 renewable electricity.

Enroll in Green100 for Your Business

Rates for Green100 depend on many factors. For personalized rate quotes or answers to questions about the Green100 Business program don’t hesitate to call our offices at 916-758-8969.

How to Enroll Your Business in Green100

Businesses can enroll in  Green100 online or by phone. To enroll by phone, call (916) 758-8969. Businesses can also complete the online registration steps for Green100 Business:

  • Complete the Account Information form.
  • Select the account you wish to enroll.
  • Read and accept our terms and conditions.
  • That’s it. You’re enrolled in Green100!

Note: You can cancel anytime during the enrollment process or opt down to the standard rate at a later date.

Pioneer purchases renewable electricity from local resources in Placer and El Dorado counties and from within California whenever possible.
