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City of Auburn Adopts 100% Renewable Power Option to Power its Operations,
Sets Example for Residents and Local Businesses

Downtown Auburn

Today, Pioneer Community Energy (Pioneer), the publicly-owned joint powers authority that provides electricity for residents and businesses in Placer County and El Dorado County, announced that the City of Auburn is the first jurisdiction in Placer County to choose Pioneer’s Green100, a 100% renewable energy option. The city will use Green100 to power all of its municipal operations.

This decision reflects the City of Auburn’s desire to put the health of its community members first and take action to reduce harmful emissions. Choosing the Green100 rate demonstrates the city’s commitment to renewable resources and the environment by using power sources that may include geothermal, wind, solar, hydroelectric and biomass.

“The City of Auburn is proud to lead by example. Recognizing the multiple benefits to our community and our region by switching to green energy to power our operations was an easy decision,” said Auburn Mayor Pro Tem Alice Dowdin Calvillo. “Not only does it allow us to reduce our carbon footprint by reducing harmful emissions as mandated by the State of California, but it also helps to lower the cost of green energy on the market through simple supply and demand. Going green is straightforward — anyone can do it through Pioneer’s Green100 program.”

Pioneer introduced the Green100 option at the request of its customers, who wanted a way to have a positive impact on the environment and reduce their carbon footprint.

“When we’re given the opportunity to move toward renewable resources rather than fossil fuels, it’s incumbent upon all of us to pursue that, especially when it is this easy,” said Scott Johnson, who is a Pioneer customer, Auburn resident and owner of Johnson Piano Service.

Residents and businesses interested in reducing their carbon footprint can sign up for Pioneer’s Green100 program at

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