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Energy Saving Tips for Retail Stores

Energy Tips – Retail

Commercial energy customers have needs that are unique and vary widely depending on the industry or business. Finding ways to save energy can mean big operational energy savings, a smaller carbon footprint and improved profitability. Businesses can qualify for efficiency programs and earn rebates for energy-saving purchases when they consider new machinery or appliances to improve operations and conserve energy.

Pioneer is committed to being your community-owned resource and to helping our commercial customers research and implement options to save money on their energy bills. We’ve curated information from specific industries and provided energy-saving tips and tricks which reduce consumption and ultimately improve your bottom line. The government-backed ENERGY STAR® program provided many of the cost and energy-saving recommendations found here.

Lighting Tips

  • Upgrade interior lighting with new energy-efficient bulbs and fixtures to save energy and improve the customer experience. 
  • Install LED lighting display cases to improve energy efficiency. 
  • Install daylight sensor lights or controls to manage exterior lights and turn them on and off during daylight hours. 
  • Use occupancy sensors to manage lights in storerooms, bathrooms, dressing rooms and other lightly-used areas.

Office Equipment

  • Set computers, computer monitors, printers, copiers and other office equipment to sleep when not in use.
  • Use a smart power strip to identify which electronics should always be on, and which ones do not need power when they’re not in use. 

Heating and Cooling Systems

  • Check and clean air filters on a monthly basis. Change them as needed, approximately once every three to six months.
  • Have a professional contractor perform annual tuneups on your heating and cooling equipment to ensure systems operate at peak efficiency.
  • Install programmable thermostats to automatically reduce heating and air conditioning during closed hours.
  • Keep exterior doors closed while running your HVAC to avoid wasting hot or cool air
  • Seal doors and windows to keep heated or cooled air inside

Workplace Behaviors

  • Educate employees about how workplace habits and behaviors affect energy use.
  • Appoint and empower an employee or team of employees to lead sustainability efforts.
  • Arrange for the “last-person-out” to switch off all equipment or use timer switches to reduce power consumption.

These tips have been compiled from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, ENERGY STAR program. If you have any questions about other ways to reduce your energy bills, please contact your Pioneer Community Energy team by email at or by phone at (916) 758-8969.
